Monday, December 14, 2009


Waking up on a burning image of Taj is something which I had never imagined in my rarest of rare dreams and is something which I will never forget in my life.The rescue operations are over and we are reeling under the effects of immature statements made by our politicians and immature of handling of situations by the CM of Mumbai.The city’s security and crisis management measures were put to test and they failed the test…miserably…in front of the whole world. What’s more, politicians made their own mark by showing up at the scene to display their ‘publicity skills’ to the whole world.
After the unforgettable attack in Mumbai there is a big question mark on the security.
How could terrorist manage to reach to the city? What was the security doing? I think now we cant rely on the country's security. Despite of the knowledge that Mumbai will be the target of the terrorist, why proper measures were not taken? Forget about the citizen safety, even the police officer are not provided with the good quality bullet proof jacket which resulted in the death of few officers. We cant rely on the government for the safety of our life. The whole system is corrupted and is weak.Mumbai Terrorist attack, It is a biggest attack on India. And Still Indian Politicians are sleeping they don’t care. Pakistan keep taking advantage of these and day by day terrorist attack is increasing.Evey month there is a attack some where in India.But what our politicians are doing? They are busy in their low class politics.Now Where is those party. Who were shouting “Marathi manus, go away from Mumbai you bhaiyas” where are they who was doing riots in Mumbai and wanted to divide country in little pieces.. Where are they??? where they hide when these attacked happened??? Why they don’t come forward to SAVE THEIR MUMBAI??? It is another example of LOW class politics.We have to open our eyes and see what is happening to India. I salute the policemen who gave their lives for us.



Most of you people will not like but i would like to share my thoughts with you people about so called GOD.
Most of what we do is governed by whether there's evidence or not to prove it's existence. We claim there are no unicorns because no one has proof of them.We know the world is not flat because there is a proof to prove otherwise, someone proved by sailing around the world.In the same way, there's no way to prove that God exists, the burden of proof is on those who believe in him. If he is here prove that he exists, otherwise he simply doesn't. There's no empirical evidence, without that God believers are just living in matrix.
In some form or another, every civilization that we have records of, have had all forms of different gods or god.they all believed in something that came after they died. That's all gods and religion really are, humans not wanting to believe that it will end. I'm not necessarily saying all religions are scammers or liars, except scientologists of course, just that they are natural humans giving in to natural human behavior.
I dont understand that if God created the universe, than the universe must be an artificial but there is no evidence for claim.
In bomb blast at Varanasi, 12 Pandits died when they were performing havan. Those Pandits who spent their entire life in the devotion of God died leaving behind their children and wives. Gulshan Kumar was shot dead at the temple, where was the god? In the recent case of Mumbai attack on 26 NOV 2008 about 250 people died.i think most of them who died believed in God then why did God let them die, why didnt God save their lives
God is all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful and yet he permits the suffering of innocence. God knowingly, willingly, and purposely allows the suffering of innocent children on a daily and global basis.
There is a famous quote by ALBERT EINSTEIN "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be."
I have not written this blog to hurt someones feeling and beliefs but to share what i think. If there is a God and he makes people believe in him then why not he tries on me.


Does 'Slumdog Millionaire' deserve Golden Globe??

SLUM DOG MILLIONAIRE is the movie that most of the people in India have waited to be released.The winner of four Golden Globe Award......But do you really think that this movie deserve such a great award???

i saw this movie and i couldnt find anything worth that it should deserve such awards.I am saying this because there are several other movie of Bollywood that has created much impact than this movie.I dont know why but i feel that this was already fix before. Just because all the crew members were from abroad???? Why A.R. Rehman was not given this award before inspite of the fact that he has composed some good music for the bollywood which was appraised not only in India but also in other countries.

What will India get after all this?? All the money will go to the producer and production houses which are not of India. This is not the only fact which i feel but i couldnt find anything interesting, not also the music.

Slum Dog Millionaire is nominated for the 11 Oscar awards.And i am sure that this movie will get atleast 2-3 awards.

SDM lovers please dont get offended. i said what i felt. However its a great honour to win such a great awards. I wish India to win Oscars too.